Sunday, October 09, 2011

Stoned for my sins, so to speak :(

Given my preference of ways to repent, having a kidney-stone attack would not have been my first choice. :( But there I was on Thursday night and well into Friday morning, having a not-so-romantic evening in the ER with my husband. Fortunately, I seem to have "passed" that stone (meaning that it came out during a trip to the ladies' room), but the doctor who poked me with a "sonar" (ultrasound?) wand told me that, having cleared a stone from the left kidney, I still have two in the right kidney. The irony is that I had planned to see my urologist after Simchat Torah to arrange for that surgery that they can sometimes do to break up kidney stones in the hope of preventing an attack. Oh, well, too late now. But I certainly hope that the surgery breaks up whatever stones are still left, so that I don't have to sing "Breaking up is hard to do." Alternatively, I hope that these two will pass. :)

Shutting up now, before the Pun Police come after me. :)

P.S. Just in case, I'm now carrying, in a prescription bottle in my purse, proof of membership in the Perky Set. :) [Shira runs from Pun Patrol.]


Blogger Larry Lennhoff said...

Refuah Shalaima.

Sun Oct 09, 07:33:00 PM 2011  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Thanks, Larry.

Sun Oct 09, 09:27:00 PM 2011  

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